Your donation, no matter how small it might be, will help us planning a revolutionary future for a place with a revolutionary past. Please show your support by making a donation of any amount. All donations gain the donor an honorary membership in the PM&PA, including our montly e-newsletter, and our sincere thanks. ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
Ours is a mission that leads us to advocate and plan for:
- Preservation and the sensitive re-use of the campus
- Creating a Musuem and Memorial on the campus.
There are many steps involved in each of these aspects of the mission, including collecting the stories of the people who lived here and were affected by the world-changing achievements wrought here. We invite your support of these works, which require an extraordinary amount of time and money.
Click here to Donate Now

Please send any questions regarding donations to
PM&PA is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 organization - All donations are tax deductable